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RONIN OX | The G10/Carbon Fiber Hogger

Discussion in 'CNC Mills/Routers' started by alex_b, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. alex_b

    alex_b Journeyman
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 31, 2015
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    alex_b published a new build:

    Read more about this build...
  2. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    @alex_b This machine rocks! You have taken it to a whole new level with this Build and its super exciting to watch what it can do.
    Great write up on the build and excellent video work.
    Thank you for sharing :thumbsup:
  3. Joe Santarsiero

    Joe Santarsiero OB addict
    Staff Member Moderator Builder

    Oct 30, 2014
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    What? No Mosfets!! What a disgrace....

    Great work Alex!! I've always been a fan of the TinyG and it's great seeing someone who knows how to give it a workout.
    I had to abandon my TG for a dsp pid looper when I decided Hexfets and Mosfets were the only way to throw chips! Again...Jking.

    Your video production was excellent. I only wished you showed more of your OX in it. How long did the video take you to make?

    There may be future concern for your wheel bearings with all of that moisture being thrown around. Just sayin, keep an eye out.

    Btw. That's a big beast you put on the front of that profile. lol. Has flex been any issue for your work even after you've made modification to the gantry beams?

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. alex_b

    alex_b Journeyman
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 31, 2015
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    First of all, thanks to the OpenBuilds community, I love this place. :) Laser engraved this tonight to commemorate finally making this post (after too many months of procrastination). Machine has been producing for a while so it's nice to finally get this build out there.

    @Mark Carew Many thanks sir, huge fan of OpenBuilds machines and we have some super exciting plans for a custom C-Beam machine in the near future!

    @Joe Santarsiero Glad to see another fan of the TinyG, it can be quite a workhorse when finally tweaked right. It can be infuriating one minute and a total dream the next. Keeps me on my toes. lol. And yes, you are 100% correct about the moisture issues on the wheel bearings. After every run I have to be fastidious in wiping everything down. I made covers for the y-gantry that keeps most of the water away from the motors that helps considerably. I'll upload the CAD for the y-gantry covers once I clean up the file a bit. Now in this application having most of the machine made of aluminum with polycarbonate wheels really helps as rust is not that much of an issue, unless I let it sit without a quick wipedown. I also have the "dust" boot on when I am machining normally, i just remove everything for videos so it sprays everywhere in 240fps. :cool:

    As for flex, it is still an issue but only in the Z-axis, the x and y are quite secure. The Z-flex is purely due to the limitations around the strength properties of aluminum I believe as the entire x-beam can be seen flexing when pushing the z-motor forwards and back. Basically instead of tacking more material on the x beam to reinforce, I decided to just approach the problem from a software perspective and adjust toolpaths in Fusion 360 accordingly.

    tldr; I plunge at extremely light feeds (50-100mm/min) and I run 2D contours very aggressively (750-1000mm/min). This has more or less addressed the flex issue just enough for my applications but I am definitely open to suggestions!

    Oh and that video to make was probably 2 full days in Adobe Premiere Pro, and I plan on uploading a huge backlog of videos within the foreseeable future of some full job runs with the OX. Cheers

    Mark Carew and Joe Santarsiero like this.
  5. Mark Carew

    Mark Carew OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Jun 28, 2013
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    @alex_b thank you for the kind words and thank you for showing the possibilities of what can be achieved using OpenBuilds Parts :thumbsup:
    The sign looks awesome!
    Keep up the good work
    P.S. for those who may not know the Delta2Alpha team and the Ronin Energetics team have a Kickstarter project in the works that you may be interested in backing.
    Tom Allen likes this.
  6. alex_b

    alex_b Journeyman
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 31, 2015
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  7. Paruk

    Paruk Journeyman

    Jul 13, 2014
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    And if everything else fails........a great addition to the local disco lights! ;-)
  8. Slobberknocker


    Jul 5, 2015
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    alex_b, would you be willing to share your composite panel source? I've been looking for a good supplier of G10 and carbon fiber.
  9. alex_b

    alex_b Journeyman
    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    Jan 31, 2015
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    No problem, happy to share! McMaster-Carr is our solid go-to for G10 and USAKnifemaker for some of the more specialty colors. McMaster has a very consistent supply and their panels are rated. Not a huge color selection though, black, tan, blue and natural green-ish. These two are some of the only places I've found that don't need large minimum orders. My shop's in the process of testing a couple new suppliers from China that have very large MOQ's so we just got stocked with some colors that are quite hard to find. Fire me a PM me and I'll let you know what we have available! But if you're just looking for plain ol' natural G10, McMaster's probably you're best bet. :)

    Oh also. I'd also stay away from Dragonplate for carbon fiber...we tested a number of their panels and found they used a lot of polyester filler and the edge finish is full of bubbles. Delamination was also an issue when we stress-tested it.
    JustinTime likes this.

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