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V-Baby CoreXY - Quality Engineered DIY 3d Printer

Sep 16, 2019
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Easy to build - affordable opensource DIY CoreXY 3d Printer for fast reliable prototyping on your desktop - All wheels and V-Slots for smooth quick moves and opensource firmware on 8 or 32 bit controllers

G&C Printer

Oct 15, 2015
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The name of the printer is G&C Printer from Good & Cheap Printer. My goal was to design an printer that was good print quality and was cheap. The total cost of the printer is about 490€.

The Bull Dog, A RoverCNC OX based 1500mm x 1500mm CNC - Tutorial build

Jan 20, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I have based this build on the OX build so I will not be going into too much detail of specefic assembly modules as they asre so well covered by Mark Carew already, but will go through the complete build on video. I will be addig additional tutorials on steppers and the other electronic parts as needed though as this project is sponsored by RS Components in the form of most of the Electronics and this is also the key focus of my YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/thebreadboardca.

C-Beam Machine XL

Feb 9, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Overview of my experience building the C-Beam Machine XL from OpenBuilds, along with updates as I move along and get it going. My application is for creating plates needed for lab functions, 19 rack bay covers, and whatever else arises.

BlackBox Motion Control System

Nov 1, 2019
Circuit - Software Project
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Openbuilds BlackBox is a new system evolved around a set of subsystems that cover more than just control and also more than just CNC type applications! With a plug-and-play easy connection system this controller can be used with ease, without sacrificing power.

Openbuilds rovo laser mini(오픈빌드)

Sep 16, 2015
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

laser mini 20 * 40 OPENBUILDS base frame.(크기 412x455mm) laser mini 20*40 기본프레임입니다. 기존 여러부품을 사용한 제품보다 부품수를 줄이면서 최소한의 단가를 뽑을려고 디자인했습니다.. 기존대비 부품수 절반에 단가도 절반을 줄이면서 최적의성능을 내려합니다.

RONIN OX | The G10/Carbon Fiber Hogger

Nov 19, 2015
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

The Ronin OX is a dedicated fiber composite milling machine. I give a complete in-depth article on how to take a nearly stock OX build and easily turn it into something that can mill carbon fiber and G10 plate effectively and quickly.

OX Super "C" - Cpmpleted 11/02/16

Dec 2, 2016
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This CNC utilizes the C-BEAM extruded aluminum for the "X", "Y", and "Z" axis. The gantry will move similar to the OX along with the "Z" except I am incorporating the C-BEAM instead of the 20x60 V-RAIL. To make the system as strong as possible I am using two C-BEAM rails back to back. The "Y" axis will encompass two sets of roller on both side of the C-BEAM extruded rails for added strength. All of the plates for this were created using the C-BEAM machine I completed several month ago.

C-Beam to C-Beam XL Upgrade

Dec 27, 2016
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is my first public build. Please be kind. We upgraded our C-Beam to the C-Cbeam X-Large. I want to give special thanks to Moag and the OpenBuilds team for making this happen.

Arctic_Stingray CNC

Jun 15, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is based on the C-Beam build by Mark Carew. I have added axis limit switches and a remote mounted control cabinet. This build also uses a custom moveable table.

MMXL - A MiniMill Conversion

Oct 29, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Using most of the parts of the MiniMill, and adding a few other parts (cost < $200), transforms the MiniMill into a very capable machine. Final build area as shown is 10.25" x 16". With a custom Y-plate, I will take it to 10.25" x 20-24".

Modular DIY CNC Machine

Jan 21, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This modular CNC machine is based on the OpenBuilds ACRO System, however I wanted something that did more than just laser engrave. So I designed my machine using the same style as the ACRO but with some upgrades such as an actual Z-axis and the ability for multiple tool attachments.


Mar 9, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I am building a multi tool CNC. I plan to have a quick change tooling system that will accept Routers, oxy acetylene torch, Plasma torch. etc. there will be a water bed under the convertible router table / work bench. The inspiration to build this machine is from having a small garage and not a shop.

Custom 4x4 CNC

Nov 5, 2022
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I started designing and ordering parts for this build back in Oct 2021. Unfortunately life got in the way and I had to sideline the project to deal with more important projects. I am now back working on this project full time. I originally was building a MPCNC on this torsion box platform I built but quickly realized how difficult it would be to produce anything with good accuracy. So I decided to design my own CNC that would be more robust and accurate.

Tall OX

Jun 24, 2020
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

After completing a standard OX build, I found I didn't have enough Z-clearance and designed a set of taller gantry plates

Upgrading the C-Beam machine

Jan 20, 2017
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

So we have new plates, stronger motors, belt drive reduction, but what should we do with them? In this article you might find the answer you were looking for as we took an “old” C-Beam machine and started to upgrade the X/Z body and added more torque and precision to the Z-axis.

Stargeezer Vertimill

Sep 3, 2017
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Next up will be the electronics package. My parts bins are overflowing with boards so this may be the hardest decision to make of the entire build.

(Portable) Large Format 3d Printer 4ft square frame. Build Volume 36in x 36in x 36in

Jan 12, 2018
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Large format printer build based off successful small Corexy. I figured it could be scaled to large format and be portable. Portable meaning by removing a few pieces it could effectively be rotated out of a standard door frame.

Peristaltic pumps, Automatic Cocktail mixer

Apr 3, 2019
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is an automatic cocktail mixer made with 8 small peristaltic pumps. this is driven with the touch screen or over wifi. the controller used is a raspberry pi with a Apache webserver

BinaryConstruct V3

Mar 2, 2018
X/Y Table Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This printer is a design that has evolved over three years. The original goals of this project were to design a rigid printer that had a large print volume, 300mm^3, with easily sources parts and a minimum of complicated printed parts.


Feb 19, 2021
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

The crypt-cube is another project I've been working on off and on over the past year, unlike my previous built C3DO this is a much smaller built with a volume of 318mm x 240mm x 220mm. With this build my main focus is precision and speed.

KeePrint Monster

Jun 22, 2019
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Large 2 foot x 3 foot x 4.5 foot build volume Core XY printer build in process at this point. I am designing everything from scratch and using typincal parts bought from amazon for the build.

Sphinx 55

Feb 10, 2021
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A Sphinx build to inspire and encourage all those who want to get started with cnc to check out Opensbuilds line of machine bundles and hardware.

Griffin Delta Printer

Mar 9, 2014
Delta Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Designed from the ground up as a low cost, highly scalable delta printer. This printer has been built as small as carry on luggage size, up to an 18in wide print surface and is capable of larger. Approximate cost is low to mid $500 range start to finish, including electronics for a basic model.

Archer - An extendable all metal 3D printer

Jul 15, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is an all metal build using OpenBuilds V-Slot linear rails to produce a high quality and cost effective 3D printer. The printer is designed to be scalable for your desired build area and can utilize high quality hotends with 16mm groove mounts such as E3D.

Joe Harris's all metal CNC Router build

Dec 4, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I'm building a CNC router in my garage (almost finished!) and I'm keeping a video build log of the process in the hope it may be useful to others wanting to do the same. I don't have much in the way of fancy tools so expect a bit of innovation on the way!

Desktop 4-Axis Nema 23

Apr 6, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This build is specific to a furniture design I am trying to bring to market. My first attempt to build a machine. I have looked at other build submissions to help me figure out where I would like to start. The workable volume should 36" W x 6" D x 6" T. The goal is to become more comfortable with the electronics side of machines I enjoy using and also lower the cost of my product by reducing man hours in the manufacturing process. Yay!

3D printer for printing Clay/Paste

Aug 10, 2022
X/Y Table Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

I designed this 3D printer from scratch for my mechanical engineering capstone project. It's made for printing clay but should be able to print any paste material. The clay extruder system could be easily modified to work with almost any 3D printer. The printer is approximately the same size as an Ender 3.


Oct 28, 2017
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

From where Mark left off from the Ox build I am going to film the whole process of customizing the Ox.

CNC Router Lathe

Feb 11, 2018
Other Style CNC Mills
Build Progress
Build Complete!

Steel square tube frame with dual feed gantry and indexing lathe section. Will have 36" x 30" x 6" travel. Has a Harmonic Drive on the 4th Axis.


Jan 7, 2016
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

OneZ gets it's name from it's most unique feature - only motor for the Z axis while maintaining the stability of two bearing guides for the Z axis. Reduction to one Z motor eliminates need for auto bed leveling.

PrintAir CoreXY

Oct 3, 2015
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A CoreXY/Bowden design with a belt driven Z axis. This is a box design without the front end of the box, making the print area and maintenance, like changing a nozzle, easily accessible.


Jun 9, 2020
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Currently I have Velleman/3Drag K8200 modified and CNC machine self built and wanted to use both to make new 3D printer. After looking at different designs I liked Voron a lot and have decided to go that way. Currently I have ordered majority of parts and build shall start soon. I don't plan to rush it as I am usually 2 months home and 2 off. Today done some electronics. Looks ok. https://youtu.be/ls_tl54ruE0

Hlidskjalf, CoreXYU (dual X-carriage)

Jan 21, 2017
H-Bot and Core XY
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Dual X-Carriage CoreXY. Not impossible, but probably the only one. Use the link to Thingiverse "Hlidskjalf" for parts and downloads.

Gantry CNC - Decisions made only to change over and over.

Jan 11, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first CNC build. As per the norm, I went in with months of research, planning, and resource gathering tied neatly together with a solid plan. As the path went on, the plan continued to change to accommodate issues I hadn't counted on. But, at the end of the road, the project reached completion, and I learned a ton along the way!

Rob's C-Beam Machine XLarge

Feb 28, 2018
X/Y Table Style CNC Mill
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is my first CNC router build, so I started with the OpenBuilds C-Beam Machine XLarge mechanical bundle, including four high torque stepper motors. I took my time with the mechanical build, sought and found some great help for my control system, and designed and built a custom cabinet to house everything.


Mar 12, 2018
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

Open builds style wood CNC router. Usable work aria 1000mm x 1250mm x 150MM (X x Y x Z). 80x40 C bleam for the Y axis , two 60x20 beams for X axis and a 60x20 fo Z. Interlocking GT3 belts for X and Y. Looking to change over to a rack and pinion system in the future. 8x8Tr Lead screw for the Z. Leadshine HBS507 close loop drivers and 3-phase servo motor 573HBM20-EC-1000 motors driving the Y and X axis. Would recommend them to anyone looking for servo like performance at a affordable price.


Sep 2, 2018
Laser Cutter Builds
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A minimalist 2-axis A2 sized laser diode cutter/engraver. Designed to give the most function using the very least number of parts at the lowest price.

V-Slot SphereBot

Apr 20, 2015
Sphere Bots

This SphereBot is based on the EggBot which is an open-source art robot (drawbot) that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects.

BldrBot Pro

Nov 13, 2014
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A completely belt driven cartesian design with a center mounted X motor. This is a very compact, rugged design.

CNC-machine 650by700

Feb 4, 2018
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A home-made CNC-machine with a 1.5 kW air cooled spindle motor suitable for milling materials such as wood, plastic and soft metals. The work table is 650 mm wide by 700 mm deep and the maximum movement is set to 560 mm for the x-axis, 480 mm for the y-axis and 105 mm for the z-axis.

Voxel OX with Helix Gear Z Transmission (single z motor)

Jun 4, 2018
Cartesian Style Bots
Build Progress
Build Complete!

This is a modification I made to my Voxel Ox 3D Printer Z axis, which synchronizes the Z leadscrews via a shaft and helical gear transmission. It prevents the two Z leadscrew from getting out of adjustment relative to each other, and uses a single Z motor instead of two. This build is just documenting the specific changes I have made to the Z-axis, since the frame and other axes are still from the original Voxel Ox design.

Cricut Expressions 2 to ESP32 GRBL Control

Nov 18, 2018
Everything Else
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

A log of my "brain surgery" on a Cricut Expressions 2 to change the control board to something open so that I could cut what I wanted. The ESP32 GRBL board I used has bluetooth and WIFI built-in and was very easy to get working just the way I wanted.

The Spice Must Flow: a coreXY Sand Table

Nov 4, 2018
Other Style DrawBot
Build Progress
Build Complete!

A 1.9 x 1 m table that uses a magnet to move a steel ball and draw geometric patterns in sand. The magnet is moved using a corexy mechanism driven by 3D printer controller board reading the patterns in the form of gcode files.

Sphinx 55 with 3D Printed Addons

Feb 3, 2019
Cartesian Style CNC
Build Progress
Build in Progress...

This is a build log of the Openbuilds Sphinx 55 with some 3D printed parts for the electronics and probably other parts as they come up.

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